new year

Happy January

Happy 2018! How’s the top of year shaping up? Hope it’s going well.

I created a 2018 vision board for the first time which was a fun and refreshing creative exercise that didn’t involve staring at a screen. I went through my mom’s old Korean women’s magazines and issues of National Geographic. I divided my board into three sections–career, personal development and relationships; you can cover other areas of focus too. Visualizing goals can be a powerful way to stay focused and motivated.

I had a few hiccups at the start of the year though that had me realizing how powerful my intuition is. Sometimes we lose balance or lose our footing. And that’s okay. What’s important is getting back on track and learning to move forward. Toni Romiti said it well in her photo caption on Instagram the other week–L’s are not losses, but lessons. I’m on that tip 100% too. Sometimes we don’t receive the information right away to proceed, but when it clicks, it clicks.

Here are a few resources I either have revisited or recently have been recommended to remind me to be in the present and keep things moving forward:

  • The Untethered Soul— Shoutout to the my wonderful friend, singer, songwriter and producer Tiffany Gouché for introducing this book more than a year ago now. I find myself re-flipping through its pages. This is a great read on reaching inner peace by letting go.
  • For Today & Tomorrow — Daily Encouragement— Shoutout to singer Joyce Wrice for recommending me this book written by Daisaku Ikeda, a Buddhist philosopher of the Soka Gakkai Buddhist movement founded by 13th century Japanese monk Nichiren Daishonin. Soka Gakkai translates to “Society for the Creation of Value.”
  • Notes from the Universe — I heard of this great daily email through my great friend Natalie James and Bruna of The Problem with Dating (a great blog on dating and relationships) whom I met through the amazing Dimplez. So far these notes always seem to arrive at the right time.

Other fun things that have happened so far this month:


  • I attended artist Corey Wash’s first solo exhibit in LA called POCKETS. Corey communicates different narratives through her art and through the genderless character Willoughby. She brings to the forefront affirmations, conflicts and questions that surround black lives, feminism and politics. The exhibit is open for viewing at 0.0 Gallery in Chinatown until the 26th. Read and see more here.


  • I attended Sylvan Lacue’s Apologies in Advance album listening session for fans in LA that also included a great on-stage interview by my friend, photographer and writer Emily Berkey. Apologies in Advance is beautiful storytelling, and Sylvan’s work is honest and vulnerable. I wrote about Sylvan in my “Lyrics as Life Reminders” past letter.


  • I met up with artist Kari Faux on her recent visit to LA. I’ve written about Kari in a past letter, so it was a treat to sit down and enjoy tea with her. We talked about our moves in 2018, being sensitive and how much Geminis get hated on. She’s putting on for her hometown of Little Rock, AR and is working on some exciting things this year. Don’t sleep. In the meantime, peep her newest mix, VIOLET WATERS: 001.


  • The first video we shot for RapCaviar this year was with Maryland rapper IDK. I first got familiar with IDK through Isaiah Rashad when he joined him on The Lil Sunny Tour. IDK is massively talented, his freestyles are incomparable, and I find it interesting that he debuted his album IWASVERYBAD through Adult Swim. He’s been dropping freestyles on SoundCloud through his “HELLO” freestyle series. Stay tuned for his videos on RapCaviar these next few weeks and catch him live with Denzel Curry and A$AP Ferg on tour, starting February 28.

Music on rotation–waves of nostalgia edition:

  • Elliott Smith — RIP to a legend. I’ve been revisiting his entire discography, and it’s inspiring me to pick up the acoustic guitar again.
  • Jay Electronica — Listening to Jon Brion after watching Punch-Drunk Love for the first time a few weeks ago reminded me of Jay Electronica’s 2007 mixtape, Act I: Eternal Sunshine (The Pledge) which I’ll never tire of. Here’s hoping a new project is on the horizon this year since he’s playing a couple of live shows this year, including at The Observatory in February. Who wants to go with me?
  • Evenings — Yore (2013) — This album reminds me of the early days of SoundCloud. It’s a solid project, perfect for contemplation, relaxation and maybe even some yoga.

As always, thanks for reading and supporting. Drop me a note to say hi.

Much love,